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Aegon Digital Standards

Aegon, a global leader in insurance and financial services, embarked on a mission to refresh its brand identity with a design agency (Total Design). While a modern and exciting visual language was the initial goal, the true challenge lay in seamlessly translating this brand vision into the digital realm.

Existing Aegon digital platforms lacked consistency, creating a fragmented user experience across local divisions. Accessibility standards weren’t consistently met, potentially excluding a significant portion of users. Additionally, user journeys across different platforms weren’t optimized, leading to frustration.

The various Aegon divisions operated with limited collaboration on digital design, hindering brand consistency and overall effectiveness. In essence, Aegon needed a comprehensive strategy to not only unify their brand identity but also ensure a seamless and accessible digital experience for all users on a global scale.

Aegon global divisions
working together

WCAG Accessibility
level met

Coffee’s consumed
during workshops

The team crafted a solution to consolidate the three disparate sites and unify audience-specific and proposition-relevant user journeys, to merge the experience into simplified experience that focuses on product support and knowledge.

I designed a best in class navigation system and guided login feature helping users explore and access content and, directs the user to the correct target platform (of the many available) to ensure visitors see content relevant to their products and propositions as well as easily guide them to self-serve support and the new secure portal to login via a cohesive UX.

In my role as a Digital Specialist, I played a pivotal role in shaping Aegon’s new digital standards for the global holding company and its various divisions. This project involved close collaboration with an external agency designing the new Digital Brand. My expertise ensured the brand identity not only looked great but also functioned seamlessly across various digital touchpoints.

Championing Accessibility and Usability:

Throughout the design process, I championed accessibility (WCAG 2.2 compliance) and usability best practices. My specialist knowledge ensured the brand could be used to build responsive and accessible websites, Single Page Applications (SPAs), and mobile applications. This focus on inclusivity guarantees a positive user experience for everyone, regardless of ability.

Building a Robust Design System:

I played a key role in establishing a comprehensive design system to streamline future development efforts. This system equips designers with all the necessary requirements, including focus states, interaction colours, and proper component usage. This promotes consistency, efficiency, and reduces the risk of errors in future projects.

Crafting a Readable and Accessible Font:

I actively participated in designing a custom font for the brand, collaborating directly with a font designer. Accessibility and readability were paramount considerations, ensuring the font adheres to modern standards while optimizing performance for a smooth user experience.

Visionary Prototyping and Feedback:

To showcase the possibilities of the brand within the established standards, I created visions and prototypes. This proactive approach helped stakeholders visualize the final product and its capabilities. Furthermore, I provided insightful feedback on the evolving design guidelines and patterns, ensuring they remained effective and user-friendly.

Global Collaboration and Future-Proofing:

Successful brand implementation requires a unified approach. I fostered collaboration with Aegon divisions worldwide, aligning their needs with the overall digital standards. Additionally, with insights into the future brand direction, I designed the UX of the current public website for better integration once the new brand is fully rolled out. This forward-thinking approach ensures a smooth transition and a cohesive user experience across all Aegon digital platforms.

By spearheading these initiatives, I helped establish a strong foundation for Aegon’s digital presence. The new digital standards promote accessibility, usability, and design consistency, ultimately creating a positive user experience for all Aegon stakeholders globally.

  • Accessibility for All (WCAG 2.2 Compliance): We ensured the new brand foundation adheres to the latest accessibility standards (WCAG 2.2). This commitment to inclusivity guarantees a positive user experience for everyone, regardless of ability. This strong foundation sets the stage for future Aegon digital products to be accessible to all.
  • A Cohesive Brand Identity: We established a unified brand that prioritizes digital needs. This ensures consistency across all touchpoints, from websites to mobile apps. This cohesive brand identity not only looks great but also functions seamlessly, promoting brand recognition and trust.
  • Reusable Design Patterns for Efficiency: We developed a library of reusable design patterns optimized for user experience. This empowers future design and development teams to create consistent and user-friendly experiences. These patterns streamline the design process and accelerate future development efforts.
  • Enhanced Readability with a Custom Font: We collaborated with a font designer to create a custom font that prioritizes readability and accessibility. This ensures clear and comfortable reading experiences for all users across devices.
  • A Scalable Design System for Future Growth: We established a comprehensive design system strategy that will equip designers and developers with all the necessary resources to build future Aegon digital products. This system will promote consistency, reduces errors, and streamlines development, paving the way for a scalable and efficient digital ecosystem.

By focusing on these core elements, we created a solid foundation that positions Aegon for long-term digital success. The new brand identity, combined with a commitment to accessibility, user experience, and design consistency, ensures a positive experience for everyone who interacts with Aegon’s digital world.